Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) scheme allows import of capital goods including spares for pre production, production and post production at zero duty subject to an export obligation of 6 times of duty saved on capital goods imported under EPCG scheme, to be fulfilled in 6 years reckoned from Authorization issue date.
FOR DETAILS : http://dgft.delhi.nic.in/dgftcla/PDF/EPCG.pdf
- Application letter for EPCG registration .The applicant has to give a bond and bank guarantee for license (both formats attached)
- Central Excise Certificate of Manufacturer Exporter (Original or attested by Central Excise).
- Pan copy attested by you.
- IEC copy attested by you.
- Power of Attorney of the person signing the bonds and other documents.
Please note the BG is waived if the license holder fulfils any of the below conditions:
- Status Holder: In this case the applicant has to provide original/Notarised status holder certificate. (OR)
- Paid above One Crore rupees of Excise Duty in the preceding year : In this case the applicant has to provide with a Central Excise certificate stating that the applicant has paid more the One Crore Rupees of excise duty in the preceding year.
If the applicant does not fall in above categories then he has to give a BG (15% in case of manufacturer exporters)