

DEEC is and export promotion scheme, which enables duty free import of inputs required for manufacture of export goods. Advance licences are issued by DGFT to manufacturer/ merchant exporter (having supporting manufacturer) under DEEC scheme for import of inputs at nil rate of CVD also. Value and Quantity of each item permitted under DEEC imports are specified in the Advance Licence.

  • Original license with all annexures and forwarding letter with self attested copy of importer exporter code.
  • Covering letter addressed to the deputy commissioner of customs, requesting for registration at relevant ports and authorizing to CHA present the documents on importers behalf.
  • Bond under notification (updated) duly attested by the notary and signature/s attested by the bank. With self attested photo address proof of both witnesses (photo address proof like driving license, voter’s id, passport.
  • Bank guarantee if party does not have export house/star export house /super star export house or turnover certificate attested by the range excise authorities.
  • Self attested copy of complete application submitted to DGFT for the issuance of relevant license.
  • Calculation sheet/schedule attached with bond.
  • Self declaration on Rs. 100 stamp paper attested by notary about non-penalization by customs for non-compliance with export obligations with respect to the licenses issued earlier.
  • Self attested copy of company’s memorandum/partnership deed .in case of Pvt. Ltd./Ltd Co., company board resolution authorizing the signatory for executing the relevant documents